National First Responder
Wellness Challenge


Every day, first responders put the needs of others in front of their own. Working in law enforcement, corrections, fire/EMS, and 911 dispatch brings excitement and fulfillment. But it’s also incredibly demanding! That’s why taking care of your wellness is so important. Join us to motivate, inspire — and challenge — yourself to improve your wellness and readiness for the job.

The National First Responder Wellness Challenge is an 8-week event to help you set and achieve one or more wellness goals – so you are ready for the demands of your job and can feel better, bounce back faster, and achieve a healthier work-life balance. You and your agency also have a chance to win awards!

Who Can Participate?

The National First Responder Wellness Challenge is open to all personnel at agencies that subscribe to Lexipol’s Cordico wellness app. Family members are also welcome to participate. Each week, we’ll publish new videos and other content in the app to help keep you focused on your way to success!

When Does the Challenge Take Place?

The National First Responder Wellness Challenge will be available for 8 weeks beginning Thursday, February 1, 2024. The deadline to submit your Success Scorecard is Saturday, April 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST.

How Does It Work? Here’s how to participate


Choose any of the following wellness goals:

Mental Health

Earn 100 points for trying one new healthy coping strategy each week.

Physical Fitness

Earn 100 points for building up to a routine of 150+ minutes of exercise per week.

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Earn 100 points for achieving 5+ pounds of weight loss (or sustaining a healthy weight) during the Challenge.

Family Wellness

Earn 100 points for taking time each week to connect with a family member or friend who is important to you.

Peer Support

Earn 100 points for completing a random act of kindness for a peer during the Challenge.


Establish Your Start Date

Mark your calendar to start working toward your wellness goals! Start on February 1, 2024, to take advantage of the entire 8-week Wellness Challenge. You can start later, but you’ll have less time to earn points.

Get the Edge from World-Class Experts

Set a weekly reminder on your phone to check out the Peak Performance Toolkit in your Cordico app to get the tactical edge. Each week, we’ll add new wellness success tips and guidance from our world-class SMEs, including Gordon Graham, Jocko Willink, Dr. David Black, Mandy Nice, Dr. Rachelle Zemlok, and Dr. Jaime Brower.


To strengthen your success, invite your co-workers and family members to participate with you!


You’ll earn points for each wellness goal you achieve. Track your successes, then return to this page no later than Saturday, April 6, to submit your Success Scorecard by 11:59 p.m. EST. We’ll ask you to tell us which goals you achieved, plus a little bit about why you chose those goals and how you achieved them. Winning entries will be chosen based on a combination of earned points and a score of your brief essay response (500 or fewer words, don’t worry!) describing why you set the goals you did, challenges you overcame and how achieving your goals has changed your wellness outlook.

Not a Cordico customer yet?

Learn more so that you can access the app and this wellness challenge

2024 First Responder Wellness Challenge Form

"*" indicates required fields

No pre-registration necessary.

Please use the Success Scorecard form below to submit your score.
Check off each category you complete by 11:59 p.m. EST on April 6, 2024. Each category is worth 100 points.
Did you use Cordico wellness resources to succeed?

2024 First Responder Wellness Challenge Winners


Winners will be notified by email after the Challenge is completed.

Awards will be given for first, second and third place for Agencies and Individuals.


Agencies with multiple personnel participating will be eligible to win agency awards. The top three participating agencies will receive a special award from Lexipol to recognize and commemorate their success. Awardees will be selected based on their total number of participants (as compared to the total staff population), the agency’s total score (that is, all of the agency’s individual scores combined), and the agency’s brief essay submission. All essay submissions will be scored by a panel of first responder wellness subject matter experts who are not employed by agencies entered in the Challenge.


Individual awards will go to those with the top three scores from among the individual entries, based on each user’s total score and essay submission. Remember, it’s not just about the points you earn for each goal, but also about how you describe your experience in the Wellness Challenge!

Lexipol’s Cordico services include online and mobile mental health, physical health, and wellness resources and information. These resources are intended for educational purposes only. Lexipol is not a health care or medical provider, nor should Lexipol’s services be considered medical advice. Only a licensed and appropriately experienced physician, therapist, or duly licensed and appropriately experienced and credentialed health care provider can provide medical or health care services. While there is third-party evidence from research that indicates certain behaviors and practices (meditation, yoga, exercise, sleep, gratitude, certain therapies, and involvement in supportive relationships, for example, in addition to the avoidance of other certain behaviors such as excessive use of alcohol) may assist in the prevention and recovery process for certain symptoms and conditions, Lexipol makes no claims, representations or guarantees that such activities provide a physical, mental, or therapeutic benefit. Health information, whether provided by Lexipol or through third parties, is provided for your reference and convenience only. To the extent you participate in any content featured in the Cordico wellness app or related services that involve physical activity, you represent and warrant that you are in adequate physical health to perform such activities and have no disability or condition that would make such activity dangerous. You should consult a licensed physician prior to beginning or modifying any exercise program that you undertake, especially if you have a prior injury, a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, other chronic illness, or condition. You acknowledge that Lexipol has advised you of the necessity of doing so, and that any advice or other materials in Lexipol’s Cordico wellness content are intended for general information purposes only; they are not intended to be relied upon and are not a substitute for professional medical or health care advice based on your individual condition and circumstances. The advice and other materials Lexipol makes available are intended to support the relationship between you and your health care providers, not replace it. Lexipol will not be liable or responsible for any consequences of your activities, and you assume full responsibility for your decisions and actions. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Lexipol makes no representation or warranty about the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of content, materials or information published via its Cordico wellness services.

Contest Rules

Individual Awards 

  • Eligibility: All Cordico app users age 18 or older are eligible to enter for awards. To enter, each user must use this webpage to submit their Success Scorecard no later than 11:59 PM EST April 6, 2024.
  • Selection: Evaluations will be based on users’ total scores and essay submissions describing the wellness success they achieved through Challenge participation. The top three participants will receive a special award from Lexipol to recognize and commemorate their success.
  • Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie, a panel of first responder wellness subject matter experts (who are not employed by agencies entered in the Challenge) will use the essay portion of the Success Scorecard submission to determine which individuals went above and beyond to rise to the goals outlined in the Wellness Challenge to achieve transformational success (for example, greatest weight loss, most minutes of exercise logged, most acts of kindness for peers logged).

Agency Awards 

  • Eligibility: All agencies who are currently Cordico app customers are eligible to enter for awards. To do so, participating employee(s) and family member(s) who participated in the Wellness Challenge must use this webpage to submit their Success Scorecard no later than April 6, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST. Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Selection: The top three participating agencies will receive a special award from Lexipol to recognize and commemorate their success. Awardees will be selected based on their total number of participants (as compared to the total staff population), the agency’s total score (that is, all of the agency’s individual scores combined), and the agency’s brief essay submission. All essay submissions will be scored by a panel of first responder wellness subject matter experts who are not employed by agencies entered in the Challenge.
  • Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie, the panel will use the essay portion of the form to determine which agency took the most tangible steps to support their staff’s wellness success.